There are no sites dedicated to Brezhnev as far as I know (quick web search doesn’t return anything interesting).
There’s “Brezhnev house” with apartment for him, but he never moved in.
There’s a house somewhere on Kutuzovsky prospect where he actually resided.
There’s a lot of Brezhnevist architecture all over the Moscow, especially if you go outside city center (trivial to do with Metro). My favourite one is probably Paleontology museum But really, there’s a lot.
You can probably find more dedicated sites in his pre-Moscow locations.
Kamenskoe, present-day Ukraine? Samara? Kazakhstan?
UPD: I wanted to remind also that Росархив, which held this exhibition now expired, is actually an archive. You can probably go there and poke in the same documents which were exhibited.
UPD 2: Another place to consider is iconic Жигули beer bar on Новый Арбат (which itself is a huge Brezhnevist monument).
It features a wall photo of Breznhev partying. for street view‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024