What are the requirements for the Marriage Certificate when travelling to UK with an Article 10 Residence Card?

11/22/2017 9:05:36 PM

I just wanted to come back to this months later and say how it went for anyone who might have stumbled on this looking for info. They didn’t actually ask to see our marriage certificate at all. They looked at the passport and residence card (as Coke said) and issued a visa for six months.

11/29/2017 5:45:46 AM

Called the Border Force at Heathrow terminal 5 (+44 20 8196 2500) and asked about this.

Any official marriage certificate in English or Welsh will be accepted, and there’s no restriction for old certificates (e.g. for long-time couples).

For general reference, it is highly recommended, but not formally required, to legalise marriage certificates not issued by an EU/EFTA state, as well as any translations of documents not in English or Welsh (translations are mandatory, but do not strictly have to be legalised).

That said, contrary to what people here seem to think, you usually don’t have to present your marriage certificate (the passport and article 10 card being sufficient), only if the officers get a reason to doubt that the Article 10 card was issued on the basis of you.

So in essence, your wife will be fine.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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