What are police procedures in France when the victim is a traveler?

9/11/2014 10:42:19 AM

It turns out it was a scam to garner money from me, what I wasn’t expecting though was that my “friend” was the scammer.

  • She was shaving her hair to tell people she had cancer
  • She was mutilating herself to say she was agressed
  • She took some drug to make her breasts make milk so she could say she got pregnant from rape
  • She had proper dressing to hide her hernia (http://pedroaraujo.site.med.br/fmfiles/index.asp/::XPR1XB::/H%E9rnia_incisional.jpg) so she could show it only when convenient to justify a story of aggresion
  • And so on
  • Her family also supports her with houses and people to support her lies, acting as a gang.
  • She very seldonly asked for money, she just kept doing it until u decided yourself to help her paying the hipothetical lawer and medicine (where in my case was around a month).

Because I don’t want to have my name against a gang that knows where I live, I tried to make an anonymous delation on the police, but they simply answered they can’t do anything without someone signing the delation and even if I did, it’s highly unlikely that she’ll be arrested because this is a “low dangerousness crime” and they won’t give me police protection either.

By the way, I live in Brazil.

8/20/2014 8:32:09 AM

In the first step you would take the email you received to the police and tell them your story. If the police in your country are looking for someone and you provide them with a good reason to believe an absconded person is in France, they will know what to do.

There is a global computer network connecting police departments in participating countries; and if they think it’s appropriate they will use it. Others have mentioned contacting your consulate in France. It’s a good idea also, but note that the hospital would have notified either the police or consulate as a matter of procedure.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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