What and why do I have to declare when on a plane back home?

9/1/2016 11:47:32 AM

  1. I don’t know this exact form (don’t recall such a form even though I had many occasions to fly to Schiphol from outside the EU) but you might have to specify that you do in fact have nothing to declare. Just like walking through the green channel after the luggage claim, this amounts to making a declaration and you could theoretically be prosecuted if it turns out to be inaccurate.

    The safest (if slightly annoying) course of action if you have any doubt is to list everything/go through the red channel. Letting customs agents figuring it out for you ensures that a mistake won’t put you in trouble and makes you eligible for a lower tax rate on goods worth less than €700. By contrast, if you do not volunteer anything and are found to exceed the allowance, then a higher rate applies and you might risk a fine.

    Also note that the €430 threshold is not the only relevant rule: There are special restrictions for some products, in particular tobbacco and alcohol.

  2. I think you do. Technically, if you have several items, some of them might still be included in the allowance (you do have to pay duty on the total value of an item worth more than €430 and not on the portion of the price that’s over the allowance). But you will have to walk through the red channel, at which points customs agents will want to know exactly what you are carrying so listing everything the easiest way to save time and avoid misunderstandings.

  3. So that it’s easier than doing it with even less time at the customs check itself.

  4. Ideally yes, if there are doubts the burden of proof is on you. But at the same time customs agent have some idea of the price of things and especially well-known brands so if you are not playing too close, they might just wave you through based on a few questions or a quick glance at the items, without looking at receipts or anything.

I would add that in general being forthcoming and proactive is always beneficial. Chances are you won’t have to pay anything but the fact you make clear that you want to do things by the book and are ready to pay taxes if need be tends to make customs agents less suspicious, in my experience. It did even happen once or twice that customs agent would just wave me through and turn a blind eye to a small excess (a couple of extra wine bottles over the limit).


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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