What (and where) are these points of reflection I saw from a flight?

What (and where) are these points of reflection I saw from a flight?

7/13/2016 8:19:49 AM

Other answers suggesting a solar farm match well with your image.

Based on your estimates of 1.5 to 2 hours before arrival you were probably somewhere between the green lines shown on this image of the flight route.

enter image description here

Wikipedia advises that

Colarado has:

Antonito Southeast 9,712 acres (865 MW – 1,557 MW)

De Tilla Gulch 1,064 acres (135 MW – 243 MW)

Fourmile East 2,882 acres (345 MW – 621 MW)

Los Mogotes East 4,734 acres (526 MW – 947 MW)

The most likely seem to be

Antonito Southesast Solar here

but depending on how much the flight path varied, all 4 are possibilities.
(Or somewhere else 🙂 ).

Most of the station names do not correspond to a larger town but are a geographical location that may not show up on most maps. So the following two best guesses based on web searches are hopefully correct but … .

enter image description here

7/13/2016 4:13:17 AM

This article provides the possibility that it is Ivanpah:

Airplane pilots reported that they were blinded by the intense
sunlight reflecting off some of the 340,000 mirrors at the Ivanpah
Solar Electric Generating System on the California-Nevada border.

… He’s not alone. “Daily, during the late morning and early afternoon
hours we get complaints from pilots of aircraft flying from the
northeast to the southwest about the brightness of this solar farm

A search on ASRS for Ivanpah returns 5 reports, e.g.

The Ivanpah Solar Power Plant glare caused c**kpit illumination. The
glare makes scanning for traffic impossible over approximately 40
degrees of the horizon which is directly ahead of the aircraft

An alternative solar farm may be the Topaz Solar farm.

It’s not clear from your timing or flight path which is the most likely of these two but I suspect a solar farm is the most likely option.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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