Walk/Run from Berlin Tegel Airport to Berlin City Centre

Walk/Run from Berlin Tegel Airport to Berlin City Centre

2/25/2015 10:27:00 AM

I am living in Berlin Moabit which is very close to Tegel Airport. Since Tegel and Moabit are not that interesting at the first sight (which is what you catch when running I think), you should take the TXL-Bus (public transport / 2.8€) running every 10 min. from the airport to the inner city. Then you should jump off at U-Bhf Turmstraße (subwaystation) and run along the Spree river. You can then choose three different options (assuming you want to reach U-/S-Bhf Friedrichstraße):

  1. Just run along the river (dark red)
  2. Take a small turn to see the Reichstag, the Brandenburger Tor and the Kanzleramt(where Merkel hangs around) (red)
  3. Take a bigger turn to see the Siegessäule, the Reichstag and the Brandenburger Tor. You could also stop/pass at the Memorial for the Murdered Jews. (green)

I added a map to show these three options which I consider the most “impressive”. I would suggest to take option three (green).

enter image description here

Some useful links:

2/24/2015 8:17:42 PM

If you like walking or running, you will be very pleased to hear that unless
walking is explicitly forbidden (“Kein Zutritt”, “Privatgelände”, no walking on Autobahns. please), you may walk or run everywhere in Germany and you will be able to reach
practically every location by walking/running.
As the others already said, the road is really, really boring, but if you don’t mind….

2/24/2015 12:38:59 PM

Andra is right. It’s possible, but the nearest vicinity of the airport is rather dull. Better take a bus for some stops.

If you want to walk the whole distance, maybe head a bit east first, then south. As soon as you reach Moabit (around Beusselstr station) the walk is becoming more interesting.

2/24/2015 9:42:43 AM

Google maps says yes. I have done it once (walking, not running) and I didn’t like the first part. I would recommend taking any bus into the city and getting out 2 or 3 stops from the airport.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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