Vladivostok customs clearance for Eastern Dream

9/21/2016 6:34:58 PM

There is very little information about driving a car from Korea to Russia on Ferry.

There is much better information about going in the opposite direction (though in Russian only)

But you can look at Customs Expert (Russian) website regarding the temporary import and export of the vehicles to Russia. The gist of which boils down to you will need a Passenger Declaration Form, which allows you to list the vehicles you’re bringing over, documents proving your identity, registration and proof of ownership, and you will need insurance for the duration of your stay (Russian).

Personally if you’re already paying (too much IMHO) to put your car on a ship to Vladivostok I would spend a little extra for a customs broker but you can try it yourself or as Korean visit information (Russian) states you may get some help from the Ferry company in filling out the documents for $150.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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