There is a recent, unfortunate case where a large family of British Muslims, all (it seems) holding UK passports and all having been issued ESTA online, were denied boarding at the airport at the request of the US Government. Their recourse is limited. Appeal against arbitrary decisions of power-mad semi-secret agencies is difficult.
(The recent agitation in the USA about prohibiting persons on the secret no-fly list from purchasing guns is not all, or perhaps not even mostly, about “gun control”, but also to highlight the arbitrary and often careless assembly of this list.)
That said, your odds are excellent about not being interfered with once you have the ESTA clearance: that is the norm.
Even for Visa Waiver, you need to apply for ESTA, which will inform US officials about all of your mentioned details, like non-germanic name, parents’ nationality etc. If they have any issues in an unlikely case, they will not issue ESTA, & will advise you to apply visa at embassy.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024