Using oyster card in buses

2/8/2019 11:17:26 PM

They do not need to – there is a fixed fare per bus journey (£1.50 at the time of writing), no matter how long you travel.

It gets a little bit more complicated if taking more than one journey – with the new ‘Hopper Fare’ you can make unlimited journeys (on busses) within one hour. A British transport enthusiast celebrated this by changing bus over twenty times in an hour.

There is a daily price-cap for bus travel too – no matter how many bus trips you take, you will be charged at most £4.50 (assuming no travel on other Oyster services).

The above applies for bus and tram (or a combination of the two) travel. Things are more complicated if you also take other services which are available on Oyster (tube, national rail, DLR, etc.)


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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