Make no mistake: this is not a travel “hack”, you would be doing them a favor for staying at the locales, and by travelling between the various protests, you could begin sharing the commonalities/differences between the movements. The reason they are putting on these demonstrations is to give people like you a voice.
Here in Indianapolis, there is no camping allowed on the premises, but there are places and networks of people that can help you help them, and vice versa. It would be a win-win for all parties involved.
The downsides of staying at a protest are just as significant as staying out alone. You’re more likely to freeze to death hopping trains than getting clubbed to death in a violent demonstration, realistically.
If you are going to “occupy” Auckland, you are de facto part of their cause. You’re in for the demonstrations, the speeches, music, and any other activities that comprise the event. And you’re subject to any backlash that group encounters: civil disobedience, counter demonstrations, police, legal action, etc.
The upside is that, if it’s a lawful assembly, the police and local community has some modicum of responsibility to provide for your general welfare and safety (security, facilities, etc). They’re not going to let a large gathering fend completely for themselves, compared to say, if you pitched a tent in the middle of the woods somewhere.
If you want to support the cause, support the cause; They may appreciate adding to their numbers. But if you consider this an awesome travel hack just to save a bit of cash, you probably should not advertise that you’re there for the money-saving tent space. Seems like a raw deal, to me.
You might get forcibly evicted by the police.
This could include any of these further downsides:
You might be the target of tear gas.
You might be the target of water canon.
Your tent and gear could get damaged.
If one side is perceived as becoming violent, the other side may also become violent. You could feel the sting of a police baton.
If you are really unlucky you could possibly end up with a criminal record as direct or indirect consequences of some of the above. And that could impact future travels.‘
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024