At SEATAC about a month ago the policy being displayed on information screens (which I had a lot of time to read repeatedly as I queued) was that you had to go through full (normal) immigration if it was your first time entering the US with a new passport. I imagine this policy is the same at other US airports, but don’t know for sure.
It varies from airport to airport – many do disqualify you from using APC with a new passport (though never with simply a new ESTA). It’s not about what the machines are capable of, but Airport policy.
However, more likely than not the machine will be able to process you regardless – worst Thing that can happen is you’ll receive an X-marked receipt and be led into the X line, which is still a lot quicker than the visitors line most of the time.
So my advice, head for the APC queue and ignore any staff trying to direct you (walk confidently and follow the signs). Use APC as normal and go into the non-X or X line depending on the receipt.
UPDATE: just called Dulles – apparently their official policy is any VWP traveller who’s entered the US since 2008 (irrelevant where, on what passport and in what Status) can use Passport Express (the Name for APC they use)‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024