Down the right hand side there are many user group. conferences and meetups for developers.
Is another great sight where you can search for any kind of meeting in any kind of country!
I’ve just been to a meetup group on Saturday with Sapporo.rb. I had a wonderful time.
Some tips for you:
Barcamp Bangalore chapter is quite active. In fact BCB 11 just happened yesterday.
Yes! There are indeed many meetups and hackathons that take place in India – I used to be involved in organising some of them – and while most of them have pre-registration, it is not necessary. Sessions are always conducted in English so this is not an issue you will face. The technical level of the events varies widely though: some are aimed more at getting general users more interested while others are more ‘hardcore’. On the whole though comparing them to hackathons / meetups in the UK, these are generally less technical as the events see huge crowds of university students with low exposure wanting to learn. So the meetups are also usually very large in participation size (think 100s of participants) rather than dozens. While I have been out of the meetups scene in India for a while, there appears to be some amount of grumbling that the events sometimes aren’t technical enough.
The best thing would be to look for announcements on the Linux User Group India mailing list, Hackers India, OSSCamp, Unpluggd, and BarCamp. As you can see, there’s a heavy tilt towards free/open-source technologies (and from your site, that’s probably not what you’re interested in). My best suggestion would be to look out for next Unpluggd or BarCamp (each major city has its own organising group, so there’s not single site to link to, just search online) as these see a slightly more diverse and mature crowd.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024