I visited the UK 3 times in a calendar year 2015-2016. On the third visit I was asked several questions about why I was visiting so often, and I received what I perceived to be a ‘warning’ about too much visiting. The officer asked me if I knew how many days I could visit the UK, to which I didn’t know. He said 6 months’ worth. I’m going to assume that this is cumulative for a year.
The definitive source for this is the UK government website, .
Unfortunately there is no precise answer to your question. The UK government rules require that the visitor does not >”intend to live for extended periods in the United Kingdom through frequent or successive visits”, which means that you can’t enter for 6 months, skip the country to (say) France for one day, and then re-enter for a further 6 months, and repeat indefinitely. But there is no precise rule which stipulates exactly what the limits are.
In the end, the judgement of your intention is made at the border by the UK immigration officer. If he/she is satisfied that you are visiting for a month and then leaving, then you’ll be allowed in.
But there are guidelines on that same UK government website, www.gov.uk, go to the section >”visas and immigration”, then >”arriving in the UK”, then >”check if you need a UK visa”. Based on the information in your question, it says that you don’t need one, but check it for yourself to be sure.
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4 Mar, 2024