An Enhanced Driver’s License is the functional equivalent of a Passport Card as far as Canada is concerned.
The EDL is a bit cheaper than a plain driver’s license + Federal Passport Card, because much of the identity checking parallels what the state is doing anyway to grant you an ID or driver’s license (to comply with the Federal RealID rules). Each state needs to work with DHS to be eligible to issue Enhanced DL/ID, and many states do not bother.
Its kind of buried on the Canadian government website but the official list of acceptable documents is:
U.S. Citizens/Nationals
Although exempt from document entry
requirements, U.S. citizens must satisfy a CBSA officer of their
status and identity. Documents that can be used for proof of U.S.
citizenship are:
- U.S. Passport
- U.S. Passport Card (for land and marine travel only)
- NEXUS card (see Part 6 for more information)
- Enhanced Driver’s License
(for land and marine travel only)
And as per Wiki:
EDLs are available to U.S. citizens who reside in the states of Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, and Washington.
So your friend is good to go.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024