UK visitor visa refused due to previously staying for too long and not having strong ties. How should I reapply?

2/1/2017 3:48:47 PM

What was wrong with my application?

  • You did not provide sufficient evidence of how you can afford to support yourself financially in the UK for six weeks.
    • insufficient evidence of steady income over a long period gradually building up savings for a holiday.
    • evidence of other acceptable sources of funding. If your siblings are funding your travel, accommodation and subsistence, you may need to provide evidence of
      • how they are able to afford this (evidence of savings, income etc) and explain
      • why they want to spend a potentially significant amount of money on this lengthy visit or series of lengthy visits.
  • You did not provide sufficient evidence of strong ties to your homeland which would cause you to strongly want to return there
    • job, dependants, property, etc.

What do I need to provide in addition to other documents to ensure that I get the visa?

You need to provide evidence for the subjects described above and (more importantly) in the refusal letter. There is guidance on the relevant UK website that specifies which documents you should include (bank statements etc) to provide a clear, accurate and concise description of your situation.

You may also need to account for

  • why, on your previous visit, you stayed for four months instead of the six weeks you had said.
  • You need to explain, and provide evidence, how you were able to be absent from your student institution for four months without jeopardising your education.
  • It might help to also provide some evidence of how you managed to support yourself financially for an unanticipated extra ten weeks.

I am not sure what you can provide that will give the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) any confidence at all that when you say six weeks you actually mean six weeks this time and not four months, four years or forever. The only way I can think of you being able to do this is to

  • provide very strong evidence indeed that your presence is very strongly required in your home country soon after the six weeks absence.

What was wrong with my application …

You already asked this, see above.

and what corrective steps should I take for my next application?

See answer to second question above. It may be time to

  • consult a UK lawyer – which will be expensive.
  • Alternatively, wait until you have built up stronger ties to your home country (job, family, dependants, property, etc) and/or evidence of this.
4/26/2017 7:11:37 PM

There is nothing to be confused about. On your previous visit to the UK, you stayed way longer than you said you would in your application. Although you were given a standard six month visa and leave to enter, the fact is that you indicated you would stay for six weeks. That implies your word cannot be taken at face value. Clearly in your recent application you did not provide extenuating reasons for staying longer on the previous trip.

Secondly it is very unusual for any kind of student to have a vacation break which is four plus months long. Thus your credibility as a student is shot. Your strongest tie to your home country is the fact that you are a student who would normally want to complete his education. However you have already undermined your student credentials so you have no legs to stand on.

There is very little you can do in the short term to change the officers mind. Forget about this trip. Among things you can do in the coming months and years, you can do some traveling (preferably to developed countries on similar standing as the UK) and returning to your country within the time limits set by the visa, and get a job, home, maybe spouse and kids, then you are ready to apply again to the UK.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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