UK visa blank refusal letter without reason for refusal

5/25/2017 6:27:22 PM

I would try to get in touch with the consulate to explain that the refusal notice

  • does not in fact give the reason for the refusal,
  • does not identify the entry clearance officer, and
  • appears to be an “unfilled template,” as you note.

Presumably, after you explain this, they will make arrangements to give you a proper refusal notice.

The British embassy in Cairo has a consular section, and there is a consulate general in Alexandria. Contact information for both may be found at

To elaborate on the insufficiencies of your refusal notice, you can refer to the Immigration (Notices) Regulation 2003. This has been amended a few times, but I did not find a consolidated version. In particular, the notice fails to meet these requirements, at least:

  • 5(1)(a) [A notice given under regulation 4(1) is to include or be accompanied by a statement of the reasons for the decision to which it relates.]

  • 5(3) [the notice … shall also include, or be accompanied by, a statement which advises the person of (a) his right of appeal and the statutory provision on which his right of appeal is based; (b) whether or not such an appeal may be brought while in the United Kingdom; (c) the grounds on which such an appeal may be brought; and (d) the facilities available for advice and assistance in connection with such an appeal.]

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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