You are a British citizen and want to enter the UK but do not have a passport. But then you found the one you lost! For the add-on question expressed as a comment…
would a previous UK passport work? I literally just found the passport
that I lost before this one was applied for.
Yes, that’s fine. The controlling technical reference is Paragraph 12 of the rules which says a British passport is required. It does not have to be current, it can be expired, and it can be previously reported as lost.
Having said that, when you filled out the replacement form, there were instructions about what to do if you found your passport. You should follow them because your old passport will flag up at the control point. You can expect to be briefly detained while they find out who you are so be sure your old passport is in reasonable condition and the photo still looks like you.
You usually get a 6-month leave to enter on the basis of a Hong Kong passport, though you will be questioned as to why you’re coming to the UK and will need to produce evidence of your studies (and if you reveal you’ll be staying for over 6 months, this will be a Problem).
That is, unless you can also produce evidence of your British citizenship at the border.
If you can’t, then as soon as you’re in, you need to obtain evidence of your citizenship, so that once the six months are up, you won’t be flagged with the Home Office.
To contact UKBF, the people sitting in the passport control booths, you Need to send a letter to:
Lunar House
11th floor Long Corridor
40 Wellesley Road
United Kingdom
Or try calling Heathrow at +44 20 8745 9800 and asking to be connected to the Border Force
To contact UKVI, responsible for regulations regarding stays and residence in the UK (as opposed to border checks), either send an e-mail or call (be warned though – calling is pretty expensive) from this page‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024