Hassle at Border Control is something that many of us experience at some time or other.
On the basis of the information you’ve provided, the question I would have would relate to why those frequent trips to the UK? The frequency of your trips marks you out as not following usual patterns of behaviour for travellers from the country of your passport and the country of your usual residence. Border control staff are on the alert for unusual patterns of behaviour. That alone is enough to have your file marked as suspicious.
Why this keep happening to me?
Below is the verbatim response I got from Border Force Correspondence Team to my complaint. You will never find out exactly why
When you arrived in the UK and presented your passport it was
necessary for the officer to make some enquiries in addition to
considering your application for entry/admission to the UK. I am
unable to comment on the nature of these additional enquiries as it is
not in the public interest to disclose the specific reasons why
passengers are subject to checks.
Is there any rule that applies to me?
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024