I brought black sand back to Canada from Dominica (an island in the Caribbean) last month. I kept the sand in a water bottle and I travelled carry on only. When TSA opened my bag, they asked me what it was and I told them “oh that’s some black sand I brought home with me from Dominica. I’m going to put it in a bottle and keep it as a trinket to look at” TSA shrugged and let me keep the sand. My advice is don’t act nervous, be honest, and everything should sail smoothly. When you’re cool with security, they’re cool with you.
TSA held up my backpack containing a bag of beach sand. They did a chemical test for explosives on it, then sent me on my way. Eugene, Oregon.
I had a small amount of beach sand from a Florida beach and it was confiscated by TSA agents at the Tampa airport. The sand came from a relatives beachfront home and they said it was ok for me to have it.
It is not a problem with TSA.
Last year, the only suitcase that was opened by the TSA was the one with a small bottle of sand.
The airport was San Fransisco
The destination was Europe
While I was going to add this as a comment, I think it’s more suitable as what SHOULD be the answer.
While it may be fun to do, environmentally you really shouldn’t do it. In addition to potential disease transfers, bugs or contamination, if everyone did this, think how it’d affect the beach! You’re essentially doing what would take erosion a lot longer to achieve, and is really not a good idea.
Further reading on countries / places where it’s been a big problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_theft
Note that they’re now actively fining people in Italy for doing this.
Updated article on CNN today about sand theft problems and fines.
Internationally is a problem for soil, but not domestic. You shouldn’t have an issue with TSA at all.
It isn’t a weapon, tool, flammable, explosive, chemical or liquid, so I can’t imagine that it would be a problem. It isn’t listed by the TSA as a prohibited item. I’d say just put it in the bottom of your bag and not worry about it.
If you are travelling internationally, you may have an issue with customs depending on your country of origin and destination, but it isn’t a concern from a security screening perspective.