Traveling with my 5 year old daughter (as the father) without the mother from Germany to Mexico

4/1/2019 3:44:29 PM

I’m surprised no one mentioned it but in addition to the documentation that @o.m. listed, I would also include a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Hopefully this document includes the OPs legal name which would be a good document to show their legal relationship to the child.

I have traveled multiple times with my preschool age son (across state lines but always within the US) and per recommendations by the airlines always bring along a copy of this document. I have yet to been asked to provide it by the airlines or security but it gives me comfort in knowing that if ever questioned I could provide legal documentation of my relationship to my child.

Examples of recommendations from airlines:

3/31/2019 5:32:40 PM

US authorities are generally very aware of potential ‘abductions’ of children by one parent (against the consent of the other parent); especially for international travel.
Now that should not affect you much, as you are not taking the child out of the US, but simply ‘transiting’, but it could be they ask you.

The strong recommendation for the US is to have a signed letter from the other parent; if you want to avoid trouble, this would be a good idea to bring.

4/1/2019 5:09:39 AM

  • If you do not have sole custody, get a letter from the mother stating that she has no objection.
  • The child’s passport.
  • Possibly a transit visa for all concerned.

Follow-Up: As far as Germany is concerned, the letter need not be notarized but it should contain the current contact details of the other legal guardian.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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