Two full days to make the move from Ushguli to Batumi is plenty, as you should be able to do it all in one day. Your cheapest option for four people is to use a bus. Keep in mind that you will need a taxi driver to take you from Ushguli back to Mestia, in order to catch a bus as there is no public transport within Svaneti (no buses from Ushguli to Mestia).
In my experiences in other parts of Georgia, taxis are very easy to find and run 24/7 and are quite cheap. It’s fairly easy to find a willing driver, who will take you far. Everything is negotiable and people are usually very friendly.
A taxi from Ushguli to Mestia is about $16-$20 USD. The bus from Mestia to Zugdidi is $9 USD and operates 3 times a day. The bus from Zugdidi to Batumi is $9 USD and also operates 3 times a day.
You can see the full route here.
That website mentions:
“Minibuses (marshrutkas) depart regularly, but there is no fixed
schedule. Pay with cash to the driver or at the station.”
Also, there are usually a lot of taxi drivers near bus stations in Georgia, if you do not want to wait for a bus. A bus is definitely a little cheaper, but can take a while.
Alternatively, you could book a taxi (or a “bus taxi”) directly from this website, which costs between $120 USD to $200 USD.
This is probably the easiest option but costs more money. The choice is yours.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024