Travel in the Schengen area with only Carta d'identita and Permesso di soggiorno?

8/6/2014 11:32:40 AM

Generally speaking travel documents for travelling within Schengen zone are: passport or EU/EEA national ID card. Officially none other documents are accepted, however some airlines might be more relaxed in their requirements. RyanAir is not one of these airlines, and RyanAir will not let you travel with just residency permit (I’m also speaking from personal experience).

Carta d’identita Italiana is not valid travel documents for non-EU citizens.

Cittadini stranieri non comunitari

Occorre presentare il permesso di soggiorno in corso di validità e il
documento rilasciato non costituisce titolo valido per l’espatrio.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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