How about taking a bus / train route that doesn’t go through Switzerland? If you stay on the EU ground all the time you should experience no border checks whatsoever ⇒ problem sorted.
Even if it’s a couple EUR dearer it’s probably worth it comparing to the difficulties with crossing the Swiss border twice.
Am I missing something here?
The whole purpose of transporting the money eludes me. Here’s how to avoid it, because you maybe overlooked that option.
A Belgian bank account can be treated exactly the same in Italy as elsewhere in the Eurozone (e.g., while italians often got charged to use an ATM in Italy, and elsewhere, you’d get it free 2000KM from your home). So if you’re moving, just keep your bank change your address (I’m with my original bank and not even in the Eurozone).
If you want to open an Italian account with this cash, it’s far better to use a (free!) Euro SEPA transfer, as you’ll have traceability — money from you to you. No questions at border, no questions when depositing. If you need to pay an Italian, the same SEPA transfer applies.
Now if the Italian insists on being paid cash (probably to avoid taxes), he’s letting you run the risk/trouble for it all. You may be in a catch-22, you cannot secure a property until you have the cash, and you cannot open an italian bank account without proof of address… This bind you cannot get out unless you have a trusted italian contact (who either allows you to use their address temporarily as residence, or you trust to receive the cash to then take out as paper money).
If I’d receive substantial money, I’d like to either get it digitally (as I’m legit/tax-paying), or be there when it’s paid out at the bank so I’m not holding a stack of counterfeit money. The other way around, I want the receiver to be there in the bank, so they don’t swap out my real cash then claim I gave them counterfeit.
I decided to give my contribution here as I’m often crossing the border between Italy and Switzerland by train and sometimes by bus:
Border inspections both from Swiss and Italians authorities are very common (I would say between 50 and 70 per cent of the times); the typical question is whether you are carrying cash, valuables and securities, and they generally check your luggage as well.
Concerning Switzerland, it is true that officially you are not obliged to declare the money. However, if you are stopped you should be able to explain the origin of those monies. This ordinance from the Swiss federal council clearly states that they can seize your money if you refuse to provide information and/or there is a suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing.
Swiss authorities are not known to be especially concerned about large amounts of money. Travelling by bus adds another layer to this story, I assume customs officers are more familiar with Western European businessmen bringing cash than bus passengers carrying their savings and I have no idea how they might react to this situation.
Note that unlike (most) goods, money (including cash in local or foreign currency but also travelers’ cheques and negotiable instruments and, in some countries, casino chips and gold bars) can need to be declared even when travelling within the EU. It’s up to each country and perfectly legal under EU law. As an example, French regulations in this respect are very extensive (see also this page in English from the French customs). This page from the EU Commission is not about travel within the EU but if you look up the form for Belgium, you will notice that it also covers entry to Belgium from another EU country.
It doesn’t matter at all that there are no checks on the border, it’s up to you to seek the proper authorities to volunteer that information. If you do not, you might not be found out immediately but might have to account for the provenance of the funds when you use them, even years later (say when you put them on a bank account to complete a large transaction, which the bank typically has to report to the authorities).
Rarely does one see so many misconceptions in one question!
coach will definitely or almost certainly be stopped in Switzerland for checks on luggage and things, can I risk being seized all my money by Swiss authorities or will I have to give them something?
I’ve been told that Swiss authorities are quite ruthless.
but even if they are scrupulous about this thing and ignore this rule because of their meticoulousness in everything, that is the least of my concerns. The problem is that if they check all my luggage and find a locked box with my savings, they could make up any excuse to take my savings away, and in that case I cannot appeal, get justice or nothing.
No, I wasn’t meaning that I want to bribe them, I was meaning whether they will ASK me a percentage of my money.
No, you need not fear that Swiss Customs will seize all your money
Switzerland Customs: Cash, foreign currencies, securities
Unrestricted amounts of liquid funds, i.e. cash, foreign currency and securities (shares, bonds and cheques) can be imported into Switzerland, brought through Switzerland in transit or exported from Switzerland. Furthermore, the funds do not need to be declared.
When traveling crossing over any European Union country border, on the other hand, you
Rules for carrying alcohol, tobacco, cash in the EU and leaving and entering the EU
Carrying cash
If you plan to enter or leave the EU with EUR 10 000 euros or more in cash (or the equivalent in other currencies) you must declare it to the customs authorities. Failure to do so could result in your cash being retained by the customs authorities, and you may receive a fine. Be aware that the customs authorities may carry out individual checks as well as checks on your baggage and/or vehicle.If you want to travel between EU countries (in this case, the 28 EU member states) with EUR 10 000 euros or more in cash (or the equivalent in other currencies), you must check with the customs authorities in the countries you are leaving, entering and passing through whether you must declare it.
This means that you will have to properly inform yourself about each Customs authority in (depending on your route between Italy and Belgium)
Currency Import regulations:
Same regulations as for Export apply.Currency Export regulations:
Local currency (Euro – EUR) and foreign currencies: no restrictions if arriving from or traveling to another EU Member State.If arriving directly from or traveling to a country outside the EU: amounts exceeding EUR 10,000.- or more or the equivalent in another currency (incl. banker’s draft and cheques of any kind) must be declared.
if you must report and possibly show the transported money upon
and what may happen if you fail to do so.
Be rest assured that the experiencing of Customs Officials (of any country) becoming quite ruthless will be the least of your problems if you are caught smuggling undeclared funds.
Unfortunately the IATA data is not correct as Customs pages of the individual countries show:
Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finnland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Sweden does not require or does not meantion any declaration requirements when entering entering or exiting a European Union country.
United Kingdom (pre-Brexit conditions only) when travelling from another EU country
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, you’ll need to declare cash of £10,000 or more (or the equivalent in another currency) up to 72 hours before arriving in the UK.
Belgium, Germany and Lithuania require you, when travelling from another EU country
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Italy, Malta, Poland and Spain requires you to always
In the Italian version there is this friendly reminder of the possible sanctions, to encourage travelers to fill the form correctly.
In case of failure to produce the declaration or in case of incorrect or incomplete information, the person submitting the same declaration is punished with a sanction amounting to a minumum of €300 up to a maximum of 40% of the value of the transfer exceeding €10.000 (article 3 of Regulation 1889/2005/EC and article 9 of Legislative Decree n.195/2008) and the cash be subject to seizure (article 6 of Legislative Decree n.195/2008). Failure to indicate personal data of the person on whose behalf the transfer is made or the reporting of false data shall be punished – except where the act constitutes a more serious offence, by imprisonment from 6 months to a year and by a fine ranging from € 516,46 to € 5.164,57 (art. 5, c. 8 bis, of Decree Law 167/1990, transformed in Law 227/1990).
That law is probably what originated your misconceptions about Swiss Custom officers, while it is only an Italian matter. Also for small sums if you pay the fine on the spot you get a discount (to pay the higher amount between 200€ and 5% of the exceeding sum) and the remaining cash shall not be seized unless there are other issues.
I would advise making 2 copies of each and ask the Customs to confirm the second copy in case you don’t receive some sort of confirmation directly.
These confirmations should be retained since they may be helpful in the future to prove that you did everything correctly.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024