Are prices always the same for trains in Norway from Oslo to Bergen?
our travel date is 19 April 2017
If you have a definite plan for a certain date there are lowest price train fares available which can be bought in advance from an official NSB website. This is one of the scenic train journeys in Europe and lowest price train tickets have limited seats, therefore you can buy these lowest train tickets in advance if you a definite plan for 19 April 2017. Further the price is 249 NOK (28 Euros) which is considerably cheaper. The only concern is these lowest price train tickets are non-refundable, otherwise standard price 913 NOK (104 Euros) would always be available.
We are not planning to stop at Flåm, but would be able to pass Flåm on
our way to Bergen?
No, you will not be able to see Flåm on your way to Bergen. You will need to change trains at Myrdal and take another train Flåm Railway if your are planning to visit Flåm.
The following is the map and stops of train from Oslo to Bergen:‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024