Since you are travelling from the EU and your flight departs in less than 14 days, you should be eligible for EU261 compensation regarding the delay, or effective cancellation of the second leg of your flight. This should be 600 Euro and would be sufficient to pay for your additional night’s accommodation.
Alternatively you may seek an alternative EU261 mandated option such as a refund or re-routing to the same destination at the earliest opportunity (under comparable conditions).
Since Emirates does provide certain passengers with STPC (stopover paid by carrier), they may be amenable to extending this accommodation to you even though it appears that you aren’t technically eligible according to Emirates’ rules as it’s only eligible for passengers transiting for less than 24 hours upon arrival in Dubai.
Note that normally airlines are not liable for consequential losses with regards to schedule changes. For consequential losses it would be typical for airlines to advise you that you should seek compensation from your travel insurance if you have it.
UK Citizens can get a visa on arrival in Dubai if you wish to exit the airport.
ps. it might be advisable to politely ask for the STPC accommodation first and then seek EU261 compensation later 😉‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024