Unfortunately, the Swiss airline email seems to be based on the IATA Information offered throught their Swiss Travel Regulations system.
Full IATA Information: (Moscow-Zürich)
SWISS displays this information provided by IATA only as a courtesy and accepts no responsibility for this third-party information.
- Passengers are not allowed to enter.
[same as 2 for portion shown below]- Passengers are not allowed to transit if arriving from a non-Schengen Member State to another Schengen Member State.
- This does not apply to:
- residents of Schengen Member States returning directly via Switzerland to their country of residence;
- passengers with a D visa issued by Switzerland;
- passengers with a Schengen C visa issued by Switzerland after 16 March 2020;
This information contradicts the official swiss government information, which fully implements the EU Council Recommendation of the 30th of June 2020.
Durchreise aus Drittstaat, der auf der Risikoliste ist, kommend in Schengen-Staat
Die Einreise aus einem Risikostaat in die Schweiz zur Weiterreise in einen anderen Schengen-Staat ist nicht möglich für Kurzaufenthalte bis zu 90 Tagen, die keinen Aufenthaltstitel erfordern. Bei Drittstaatsangehörigen mit einem Aufenthaltstitel oder einem nationalen Visum D des Zielstaats im Schengen-Raum ist die Durchreise durch die Schweiz grundsätzlich möglich. Sollte der Zielstaat im Schengen-Raum eine Einreise für einen Kurzaufenthalt bis zu 90 Tagen im Einzelfall bewilligt haben, so muss die Einreise in den Schengen-Raum direkt über diesen Staat erfolgen.Transit from a third country that is on the risk list, coming into the Schengen country
Entry from a risk country to Switzerland for onward travel to another Schengen country is not possible for short stays of up to 90 days that do not require a residence permit. Third-country nationals with a residence permit or a national visa D of the destination country in the Schengen area can generally travel through Switzerland. If the destination country in the Schengen area has approved entry for a short stay of up to 90 days in individual cases, entry into the Schengen area must take place directly through this country.Hinweise für internationale Reisende
Bei Flugreisen gilt es zu beachten, dass die Fluggesellschaften selbst entscheiden, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen sie Passagiere befördern. Die Schweizer Behörden haben keinen Einfluss auf diesen Entscheid. Wir empfehlen Ihnen deshalb, sich vorgängig bei der betreffenden Fluggesellschaft bezüglich der Transportbedingungen zu erkundigen.Advice for international travelers
When traveling by air, it is important to note that the airlines themselves decide whether and under what conditions they carry passengers. The Swiss authorities have no influence on this decision. We therefore recommend that you inquire in advance with the airline concerned about the transport conditions.
The IATA Information for the Czech Republic shows a similar result as with Switzerland:
- passengers with a D visa issued by Czechia;
For Germany it shows:
- passengers with a long term visa issued by an EEA Member State or Switzerland;
Since the airlines will be held responsible for passengers that don’t fulfill the entry conditions, they rely heavily on the IATA information being correct. It is likely that other Airlines will come to the same conclusion.
Your only option seems to be to reroute your flight directly to the Czech Republic or transit through Germany.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024