Stay Awake or Sleep to Minimize Jetlag?

10/30/2016 11:11:24 PM

If the goal is to be chipper and productive when deplaning, then the best scenario is that you are able to sleep-well for the 8+ hours immediately before arrival. Staying hydrated has been known to a challenge on transpacific flights and staying hydrated can only improve your position. I would avoid caffeine or other stimulants. Safe travels

10/29/2016 8:59:26 PM

From my experience, the biggest thing is to set your watch to your destination’s local time at the gate while you are waiting to board. Mentally commit to the new “local” time and do everything you can to get a jump start on acclimating your body (ie sleeping or staying awake when you need to). This includes skipping meal services if need be.

In your specific example you would be boarding at 6pm Korea time which is 5am EST, so I would recommend staying awake during the entire flight, or at least sleeping as little as possible.
I typically like to stay away from soda or coffee that has caffeine, as this alters your body’s natural sleep cycle. However, in your case it may be useful to help stay awake during the flight.

Some other things that work best for me are:

  • Eat Light, heavy foods suck my energy
  • Stay hydrated, water or a sports drink
  • Avoid caffeine, (unless deliberately trying to stay

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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