Should you use English or (possibly broken) Japanese in Japan?

10/2/2014 8:48:33 AM

As in any country, try to use the native language even if it’s broken. It gives a good impression as it shows your interest in their culture making you an above-average tourist.

I would recommend Pismleur to get your broken Japanese 😉

5/18/2014 10:48:13 AM

If you have the Japanese skills, use them. English won’t get you very far outside of tourist areas and very basic interactions – if you’ve got the ability to clarify yourself after saying something, even if it is in a roundabout way, you’re going to have a much easier time.

Sounding weird is par for the course unless you’re totally fluent, so I wouldn’t worry about that. As for receiving long spiels of Japanese in response to your Japanese accent, there’s no harm in apologizing and asking them to repeat what they said using simpler language.

When I first arrived I kept on wondering why I got weird looks every time I used the word ‘orange’ after looking up the colour in my dictionary. Turns out I was using some ancient Kanji reading from a hundred years ago instead of the slightly simpler オレンジ. So it goes. People will understand.

5/17/2014 3:46:41 PM

I don’t speak any Japanese but I would approach them in Japanese if you can, and if necessary ask them to speak more slowly / clearly and tell them that you are not native. No reason to put on a foreign accent! Choice of words and different grammar will make them realize that you aren’t native soon enough.

Do Japanese people tend to be embarrassed if they are unable to reply to a question in English?

My impression: Most of them do.
But some Japanese are really good in speaking English, and if they start speaking in English to you, you should switch to English as well in order to not embarrass them.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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