Should I hide my travel history to the UK when I apply for an Australian visa?

7/3/2019 3:30:40 AM

As part of the Five Country Conference (FCC) High Value Data Sharing Protocol agreement your data will be shared between Australia, UK, US, NZ and Canada. There are arrangements to share name, biometrics and travel information between those countries

Here is an example of how the process works in the UK:

7/2/2019 11:12:38 AM

Try a different approach completely: “I had a bad experience with UK schools not meeting my standards of honesty, but am looking forward to a better experience with the well-regarded Australian educational system.” Stop acting so guilty and make the true story one that works in your favour 🙂

(I work at an Australian University, by the way)

7/2/2019 3:30:02 AM

You should not omit it. Yet, you don’t need to say which college you went to. You can simply say, “date1 – date2 : UK with student visa” and “date3 – date4 : UK with student visa”. If asked, you simply say “I did not complete my studies”

You don’t need to say anything about college(s) being blacklisted. They blacklisted the colleges not you. You were the victim obviously.

7/31/2019 9:06:27 PM

No one here can predict how the Australian visa office will act in a particular case.

Your UK immigration record attaches to you as an individual, not to your passport. Thus, holding a passport without entry or visa stamps is meaningless.

Trying to hide your history is a dangerous and risky tactic. All of us here advise you not to do this. Your best chance is to explain what happened, clearly, truthfully, and with few words, as @Weather Vane models in the comments above.

If you lie or misrepresent anything and you’re discovered — because Australia and the UK share immigration and visa data — Australia will have you for deception and will ban you permanently.

7/1/2019 2:57:25 PM

As Joe Malt wrote in a comment

The general advice on Travel.SE is to be completely upfront and honest on visa applications. A slightly complicated travel history may cause some difficulty, but if they find out you lied (and the UK and Australia may well share data), it’s likely that you’ll have much more trouble getting visas in the future.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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