I am Egyptian and I live in the middle of the Nile Delta. Here tourists come to discover cultural tourism. Some of them have a tattoo on their bodies and Egyptians regard them as foreigners only. Otherwise, but you must cover the tattoo while visiting mosques!
Since you are asking for the middle east let me give you and all visitors an idea of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.
Plenty of western people in Dubai have tattoos on display in the water parks and the major areas, sensitivity issue is not so much the tattoo but the “owner” and choice of dress. If you are dressed respectful then nobody will complain about a tattoo.
Definitely a no-go are all kind of tattoos that show violence, discrimination or any non muslim related drawings. You better cover up these tattoos.
Since I am working in the first licensed tattoo shop in Dubai, I have quite a lot of experience with this.
Respect is the key everywhere in the world.
It is totally okay to visit Egypt with a tattoo.
I am 100% Egyptian and I have tattoos in many parts of my body and nobody can say anything. It does not identify me as a criminal or anything. It is just normal.
If you are a foreigner then it is ok, you can show them or hide them no one will actually care. It is not something common there for middle easterners to have but people do not judge foreigners for having or showing them.
Regarding Egypt in particular, it is common for criminals and people who been prisoned to have them, so that will be the first impression. The answer in that question was meant for a person who wants to blend in and look like Egyptian. But for a tourist it is totally fine to show them. I live in Saudi Arabia which is considered to be the most conservative country in the middle east and locals do not make tattoos at all but we totally accept foreigners with tattoos like they do not have it…
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024