The relevant ordinance (Coronavirus-Einreiseverordnung) explicitly mentions (see article §4, paragraph (2), fourth sentence)
Die Absonderung nach Absatz 1 Satz 1 wird für die Dauer, die zur Durchführung eines Tests erforderlich ist, ausgesetzt.
which means
So you do not need to worry. Of course, it is safer if you book an appointment for your test and carry it with you on that day.
Other members mentioned checking with the local Gesundheitsamt. This is also a great option since the details of the quarantaine are left for the provinces to define. They should be able to provide assistance even if you only speak english – the only hassle might be some automated phone assistant at the beginning.
I had this situation in January when I returned to Germany from holiday in a country that happend to be declared high risk while I was visiting. I phoned the local health department (Gesundheitsamt) while I was in quarantine with exactly this question.
Their response was that I should carry a proof of the upcoming appointment with me when I leave the home on my way to the testing center, and reminded me that I should not use public transport etc. and limit contact to the public to the best of my ability.
Is physically getting out of the house to get tested allowed in this case?
That’s the most logical interpretation even if the relevant regulation (Einreiseverordnung des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums vom 30. Juli 2021) isn’t explicit about that. In fact, while general entry conditions are defined at the federal level, I believe the exact details of the quarantaine are left for the provinces to define.
Other, arguably somewhat less authoritative, official materials support this interpretation. For example this FAQ from the provincial government in Rhineland-Palatinate repeatedly mentions “Vornahme eines Coronatests” as one of the few reasons to leave your residence during isolation, even for people who already tested positive. It seems the local regulation also defines what counts as an acceptable “test facility” and may provide an answer to your question about self-tests.
It would seem worthwhile to check if the province of your intended place of isolation also published similar guidelines.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024