My wife used to be a Ukrainian citizen. After some years of using her Ukrainian passport, she noticed that the serial number punched through the pages was not the same as the serial number printed inside! This in itself would have got her thrown out of any country in the world, if any border guard had noticed it.
Perhaps the Georgians noticed something like this?
As stated in your refusal letter, you were refused entry because according to Georgian immigration, your passport is fake. In other words, you did not have a document valid for entering Georgia, because fake passports are not valid.
Although you do not need a visa for Georgia, you do need a valid passport, which, in the eyes of Georgian immigration, you did not have.
As I see it, there are two possibilities:
the Georgians were amateurs and made an incorrect judgment when examining your passport (and from experience, I know they are extremely scrupulous about this – with my ID card the immigration folks at Kutaisi airport often take around a minute);
there is some manufacturing defect in your passport, in which case all you can do is report it to whomever issued it (you should provide your Georgian refusal letter) and hopefully get a new passport at no extra cost‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024