Reconfirm airline ticket?

3/17/2016 1:45:53 AM

You would have to check with each airline to see if needed. In my experience, most airlines do not require reconfirmation (they do recommend to check that your flight is on time, though), so most likely the phrase is a just a remnant of the old days that your agent still prints.

What you should always do is to access your reservation on the airline’s web site to be sure that your flights are booked into their system.

3/17/2016 1:07:29 AM

Most every airline has the 72 hour reconfirm rule, but most apply it when you break your trip (ie stop over for many days or before your return flight). Most do not expect you to reconfirm your initial departure.

It is a leftover from the golden age of travel, when paper tickets were all there was, reservations went by teletype to foreign airports and offices, when you could swap your ticket for a flight on another airline and change your plans without penalties. In those days they could/would give away your spot if you didn’t reconfirm in a timely manner.

Today everything is computerized and penalized, so folks fly on the flight they booked because they don’t want to pay the change fees. The 72 hour reconfirm rules are still in most airlines contracts of carriage and appear on eTickets, though they are rarely enforced.

But they do give the airline an out when flight schedules are changed and you complain that you missed your flight … “well you didn’t reconfirm” :p

3/16/2016 9:34:48 AM

Call the airline. You’re confirming that you still plan to fly. You’re also confirming that the flight hasn’t been rescheduled–or finding out that it has. In the modern era of online check-in and e-mail flight status updates, confirming is a bit of an anachronism.

I only did it once, and left my ticket at the payphone I’d used for the call. This was immediately before I left on the hours-long trip to the city from which I was flying. My travel agent had to fax the airline office in town (not at the airport) to authorize them to reissue the ticket.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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