Public shower options in Munich?

6/5/2015 10:20:59 AM

There are paid toilet and shower facilities located in the basement of munich central station. The service is provided by the private company Mc Clean and costs around 7€ for a shower including towel and a selection of soaps.

Opening hours are daily from 6am to 12pm.

6/4/2015 1:49:57 PM

The City of Munich operates a number of indoor (and outdoor) swimming pools in and around Munich. These pools are invariably fitted out with changing rooms and showers. There is no need to go swimming if you only want to use the shower, but you will still have to pay the entrance fee.

You can peruse a list at Statwerke Muenchen.

As for ‘reasonable fee’, swimming pools usually charge about EUR 5 to EUR 10, depending upon location and facilities available (e.g., sauna).

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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