I would not sleep on the back of your car. You seem to have a single cab. Then the back should be long enough to sleep on. However, the back will become quite dusty. You will be mainly driving on pads, and dispersed dust will lay down on the back.
In your case I would choose between the rooftop tent and the ground tent. The advantage of the rooftop tent is that you rent on site and you leave it there. If you take your own tent, you will have to fit it into your luggage. Maybe you will have to pay an extra allowance for taking it. Thus, if taking the own tent option seems interesting from a financial point of view, don’t forget this point.
The disadvantage of the rooftop tent is that you will have to mount and demount it several times a day: demount it in the morning if you do an excursion, mount it again to have a siesta, demount for the evening drive and mount to sleep.
The camping grounds are guarded and very often also fenced (as e.g. in Etosha). The bigger animals are thus kept out.
I would not be bothered about hyenas. Baboons are much more scary. They are clever, insolent and sometimes even aggressive. They are skilled climbers and a rooftop tent won’t deter them. Even smaller monkeys, like the vervet monkey, can be a major annoyance. However, in principle you won’t find these smaller ones in Namibia.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024