Place of birth in Visa Applications – Country in the passport doesn't exist

8/3/2019 7:32:36 AM

As a general rule, the information given in the application forms must match the information found in the documents attached to it. Quoting from the FAQ on the Canadian Immigration website:

If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?

In Client Application Status (CAS), use the name of your place of birth that appears on your immigration document.

Therefore, your grandfather should specify the country in which he was born, and not the country to which his birthplace currently belongs: Lahore, India. Even better if the application allows him to be more specific by using Undivided India, or whichever full denomination is shown on his documents. In addition, your grandfather could briefly explain his situation using supporting documents such as, for example, a cover letter.

Fear not. Immigration officers are aware of these situations and are trained to handle them.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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