Passport Check in Swiss Trains?

2/20/2019 7:49:18 AM

If you travel using a Swiss Pass, or a Half Fare Card you will be asked to show a photo ID by the ticket inspector. That means you may have to show your passport.

So I would suggest you keep it with you.

9/24/2018 10:54:55 AM

Please be careful when it comes to making copies of official documents. They may be considered an attempt to counterfeit.

In Switzerland you are not required to carry any ID with you. But practically, this may make you loose some time if a policeman thinks he / she has a reason to check your identity.

Any other official document issued by your home country; preferably with a picture on it (driving license?) may serve as a replacement ID.

9/24/2018 12:48:59 AM

It sometimes happens near borders (for example on the Zurich-Milan train, I was once checked between Lugano and Chiasso, both in Switzerland), but it’s not a general phenomenon.

So if you want, you can keep your passport at the hotel, but do carry a laminated copy just in case (ID page and, if applicable, pages with the entry stamp and visa)

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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