Palenque : Interesting Facts, Information & Travel Guide

Palenque : Interesting Facts, Information & Travel Guide

Palenque is one of the most fascinating and noteworthy ancient sites in Mexico. This ancient city was once the capital of the Mayan civilization and is still full of mysteries and secrets. Palenque is a prime example of classic Maya architecture and a great destination for travelers who want to learn more about the culture and history of the area. In this blog, we will take a look at some interesting facts about the city of Palenque as well as provide some helpful information and travel tips for visitors who are planning a trip to this memorable destination. So come on, let’s explore the ruins of Palenque together!

Interesting Facts About Palenque

, Mexico

1. In the 18th century, the Maya city of Palenque was occupied by the Spanish military. During the occupation, the Spanish committed acts of violence against the Maya people, in a bid to convert them to Catholicism and impose their way of life on them.

2. The Temple of Inscriptions, located in the centre of Palenque, contains the longest known Maya hieroglyphic inscription. This inscription describes the genealogy of previous rulers along with seminal moments in Palenque’s history, shedding insight into Maya life during the Classic Period.

3. Palenque was once almost completely surrounded by water. A network of canals and causeways created by the Maya served to manipulate water for irrigation and transportation purposes, creating an aquatic cityscape.

4. The Palenque ruins are considered some of the most beautiful of all Maya ruins. This is due to the intricate stone carvings and sculptures that adorn the buildings, which feature gods, heroes, and mythical figures of Maya mythology.

5. Palenque is renowned as a key archaeological site in Mexico due to the numerous discoveries that have been made there. Among them are Maya-style tombs with royal remains, evidence of military and religious power and exquisite artifacts.

History & Information About Palenque

Palenque is an ancient Mayan city-state located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. It was occupied from about 226 BC until its abandonment in the 9th century AD. The city was a significant political, economic, and religious center in the ancient and post-classic Maya period.

The ruins of Palenque were discovered in 1567 by a Spanish priest named Diego de Landa. The city was restored by Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier in the 1950s.

The ruins are divided into five parts: the Central Plaza, the Great Plaza, the Grand Palace, the Temple of the Inscriptions, and the Palace of the Cross. The Central Plaza is the main square of the city. It was used for ceremonies, trading, and religious events. The Great Plaza is a larger space used for business and civic events. The Grand Palace is an area with beautiful murals, sculptures, and stuccos. The Temple of the Inscriptions is an ancient temple complex that is home to many hieroglyphic texts and a large stone carved monument known as the Temple of the Sun God Kan. The Palace of the Cross was home to the city’s ruler, King Kan.

Palenque is considered one of the most important sites of the ancient Maya civilization. It is believed to have been a major political and cultural center throughout much of its occupation. Its influence was felt throughout the region and beyond. Many scholars believe it may have served as a model for other ancient cities built in the area. Its ruins are now a popular tourist destination in Chiapas and draw visitors from around the world.

Travel Guide For Visiting Palenque

Palenque is an ancient Mayan city, located in the Mexican state of Chiapas. This site is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the country, and it is a must-see for anyone exploring Mexico.

When to Visit:

The best time to visit Palenque is during the dry season, from late November to May. Temperatures during this time are usually warm and pleasant, and flying insects, like mosquitoes, won’t be as bad.

What to See:

Palenque is known for its impressive Mayan Ruins. These ruins include the Temple of Inscriptions, the Palace, and the Temple of the Cross. Be sure to climb to the top of the Temple of Inscriptions to get an amazing view of the Palenque’s lush jungle surroundings.

Another popular attraction at Palenque is the glorious Agua Azul Waterfall near the Mayan site. Be sure to take a dip in this crystal blue water or have lunch at the nearby restaurants.

Things to Do:

Explore the Palenque Archaeological Park and discover its many hidden treasure. Here you can hike, swim, and explore Mayan ruins.

Visit the local communities that live around Palenque. Spend some time chatting with locals and learn more about their culture and traditions.

Head to the nearby Misol-Ha waterfall and jungle trail for some amazing nature experiences.

Go bird-watching or rafting on the Usumacinta River.

Finally, be sure to enjoy a night out in Palenque and explore the many bars, restaurants, and shops.


Palenque offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to budget friendly hostels. You can find something that fits your taste and budget.


It is recommended to travel with people and stay in groups. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid dark alleys when walking around at night.

Frequently Asked Questions About Palenque

Q: What is Palenque?
A: Palenque is an ancient city located in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It is one of the largest and most important Maya archaeological sites in Mesoamerica. It is known for its well-preserved architecture, its temples and palaces with intricate stucco reliefs, and for its hieroglyphic writing system.

Q: Where is Palenque located?
A: Palenque is located in north-central Chiapas, in the foothills of the Chiapas highlands. It is about 90 km south of the state capital Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

Q: What is the best time to visit Palenque?
A: The best time to visit Palenque is from December to April, when temperatures are mild and the days are sunny. The days are usually shorter and the nights cooler in the months of May to October.

Q: What kind of attractions are there in Palenque?
A: Palenque is a great destination for anyone interested in history, art, and culture. You can explore its ancient ruins, walk along the pathways of the archaeological site, and marvel at its intricate stucco reliefs and hieroglyphic writing system. The city also has an onsite museum with fascinating artifacts and exhibits. Visitors can also enjoy a variety of activities such as canoeing, horseback riding, and nature hikes.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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