Online check in before the time allowed

5/25/2018 6:12:55 PM

Wait until you’re within the 23 hour window and try the checkin again. It’ll probably say “you’re already checked in!” and give you options to re-print (or re-mail) your boarding passes, and probably choose seat upgrades, extra baggage, and other extra-cost options. So you’ll know your in.

If it seems to allow you to check in all over again, then something went wrong. Maybe they caught the error that allowed too-early checkin and invalidated them. In which case, do it again.

5/25/2018 7:19:46 AM

When you receive your boarding pass it is valid for sure.

There is no re-checkin to be done, you are good to go. Nothing else is required.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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