As already noted, there are a number of red flags. But the biggest issue is that they’re asking you to fill the form. There are reasons to withdraw an application. For example, based on the numerous issues about problems if you lie on an application, it might be better to withdraw a not-quite-100%-true application and submit a new, correct and true application than to try and explain your way out of a problem. If this were somehow legitimate (e.g., maybe somebody pressed a button somewhere and now you need to confirm "withdraw application"), then any "form" would be absolutely minimal, just whatever is necessary to confirm you agree to withdraw the application – e.g., confirm birthdate and application number – enough to verify you submitted the original but not enough for someone to submit a new application.
However, I’d be willing to bet that the "form" here has a lot of key personal information waiting for you to fill it in. Stuff like:
The big question is why did you get this? There are a few possibilities:
But 99% chance it is essentially a random phishing attack. Delete. Done.
The process for an applicant to voluntarily cancel or withdraw a UK visa application is published on this official page
For a visa application to be accepted by UKVI, it must be deemed valid (meet all of the validity requirements set out in the relevant Immigration Rules). If an application contains an error or omission that the applicant can take action to rectify, UKVI will contact the applicant giving them 14 days to do so. The contact will be issued from an official UKVI source, for example an email address ending If the applicant does not respond within this period the application will typically be rejected and the application fee refunded minus a £25 administration fee.
Unless you are certain that the email you received comes from an official source (try googling it if you’re unsure), the odds are vanishingly low that it is legitimate. If you don’t think it’s legitimate, if I were you I would report it as a suspected scam: and then I would delete it.‘
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