Northernmost commercial airport?

1/30/2012 11:00:42 AM

Wikipedia has a very cool list for such kind of questions. It is called the List of northernmost items.

As you can see there, there are two possible candidates:

  • Airport, permanent without scheduled flights: Alert Airport, Nunavut, Canada 82°31′04″N 062°16′50″W

  • Airport, permanent with scheduled flights: Svalbard Longyear Airport, Svalbard, Norway 78°14′46″N 15°27′56″E

Now it gets difficult. You’re asking for a commercial airport. The one in Nunavut is located in the northernmost permanent settlement in the world. So I think it is a clear win. The problem is, there is only twice a year a military flight to supply this settlement with goods. But it seems that you can get a trip with this plane.

If you think a commercial airport is only an airport with scheduled flights, your assumption Svalbard is correct.

1/30/2012 10:29:16 AM

According to wikipedia the northern most permanent airport with a regular schedule is indeed Svalbard (78°14′46″N 15°27′56″E).

I imagine there are possibly some further north in Canada but they may not have commercial flights.

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