Museum of televisions

Museum of televisions

12/20/2020 12:01:00 PM

A subject dear to me, as I started dismantling and repairing radios, B&W TVs, etc from the age of 12 in 1964. The most famous UK vintage TV museum is the British Vintage Wireless & Television Museum in Dulwich, London, (in Rosendale Road, where, incidentally, I went to school from ages 5 to 11). Regarding visits:

The Museum has recently moved into Tier 2 [Covid restrictions].

The Museum is therefore closed until further notice.

We will not hold any events at the Museum until at least 2021

Please check this website regularly for any change in this situation.

BVW Museum

Video of the museum

Here’s something to whet your appetite

I can remember the smell these TVs gave off and I bet this place is full of it!

enter image description here

There is also this one but the website looks a bit old:

South West England Vintage Television Museum

Web site

if you want to read lots of forum discussions about restoring old UK and other radios, TVs, audio equipment, phones, computers, etc, this is a splendid forum:

UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Discussion Forum

12/20/2020 4:46:48 AM

I think this question is good for a list of ‘maybe’ museums in a community wiki answer.

  • Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, (Netherlands Insitude for Sound and Vision) here is a link to their own website in Dutch, the Wikipedia page in Dutch, and in English.

    I remember from them being on TV that there might be some old televisions playing videos of old content, but could not see anything about it on any of the websites. The Dutch sites are worth checking out with an online translating service as the English language version is short. Most of what the museum concentrates on is Dutch language media content, from paper to digital formats, with a lot about TV.

  • Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology (Norsk Teknisk Museum) in Oslo, Norway. Links to English Wikipedia page and their own website.

    They have a large room near the entrance (start of the museum trail) which covers the history of television, including old televisions from various eras.

  • Berlin, Germany

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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