Morning-after pill availability in Poland

7/8/2018 11:09:18 AM

For anyone else reading this topic: you can’t buy a morning-after pill without a prescription in Poland.

As of July 2018, in order to buy a morning-after pill you need a prescription. And the doctor can refuse to write you one, just like the pharmacist can refuse to sell you pills (even if you have a prescription) – so called “conscience clause”.

English source:

1/27/2017 12:27:17 PM

In Cracow you can get pill in gynecological clinic NZOZ Arka. Here is the address:

NZOZ Arka Cracow
Krolowej Jadwigi 15
Emergency phone number: +48 692464346

10/2/2016 9:58:50 AM

From my understanding, the morning after pill is currently available without a prescription but that may soon change, due to the conservative government. If you check out the Gynopedia page on Warsaw (, you can find updated information on the availability of morning after pill, birth control pill, etc. in Poland. It’s like WikiTravel for women’s health. Hope that helps!

12/20/2015 11:16:04 AM

Since last year, these kind of pills are theoretically available without prescription, however it’s been recently discussed and it might get forbidden again (conservative government). What’s more, we also have a stuipd law called “conscience clause” which tells that a doctor or a pharmacist may refuse to give you any kind of medicine if it’s against his moral code…

Nonetheless, if we’re talking about large cities and you are more than 15 years old, then you should be able to buy them in one pharmacy or another.

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