Map of hiking routes in the Polish Tatras?

10/19/2018 11:13:28 AM

8/21/2016 11:32:22 AM

Take a look here: – it has a map with all routes

1/17/2015 10:18:13 PM

For anyone stumbling upon this question, or for your future hikes in Tatra Mountains.
I recommend this website:

It is in Polish only, but it uses interactive Google maps, which is self explanatory and great for planning routes. All you need to know is that:

  • “z” means “from”,
  • “do” means “to”,
  • (and after clicking on a point) “ustaw jako początek trasy” is “set as starting point”,
  • “idź przez” is “go through” (set way point)
  • “ustaw jako koniec trasy” is “set as end point”

Plus, they have mobile version so you can use it on a smartphone.

4/18/2016 6:26:36 PM

I managed to find a very readable set of maps here:

but they are only in Polish I am afraid. The routes are marked in colour dashed lines (the colour corresponds to the colour of the signs marked on the trail), the other symbols used seem rather standard.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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