The longest possible journey covered by a zone-2 only fare:
Clapham Junction to Hoxton – verified via the fare finder as costing
only £1.40 on 9th March 2012.
TFL has a Fare Finder where you can figure out how much you will be charged for each journey.
TFL hold a table of the optimal route between every two stations. They have defined routes by the fastest/cheapers/whatever they feel like route and that’s what you’re charged by default. If you go along anothor route you can touch in at the Pink Oyster card readers, but they’re rare and hard to find. There’s one at Willesden Junction that may have helped in this case.
This site: Oyster and National Rail is a wealth of information.
As note, if the two stations you’re travelling between are defined as a zone two only route, but you go through zone 1, technically that’s fare evasion as you’re not paying for zone 1. I can hardly see you being charged for this though (since how are you supposed to know what they’ve defined the route as!).‘
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