Honorary mention from Tashkent (Uzbekistan), indicating the direction to Karachi (Pakistan), Bandar Abbas (Iran), and Hamburg (Germany). Not a record holder because the distances are not indicated, but according to Openstreetmap, along the indicated routes, distances by road are:
Source: Doris Antony, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
This – barely – exceeds the 5976 km from Пеледу́й to Moscow, but alas — no distances are actually indicated on this sign, which is why I consider it an honorary mention and not a real answer to the question. But I think it should be mentioned here, because unlike the typical novelty signs showing the direction from a central European town to Australia or Alaska, the drive from Tashkent to Hamburg is actually possible, and probably the safest of all the routes indicated on the sign (as long as Astrakhan – Warsaw avoids Donbass/eastern Ukraine).
Learned after idly following some Travel SE links earlier today: the current longest road in the US is US highway 20, which runs from western Oregon (just a few blocks from the Pacific) to Boston (close-ish to the Atlantic). Here’s a sign from the start of the route, reading “3,365 miles” (5,415 km):
There’s a matching sign at the other start of the route:
Both images taken from Wikipedia.
Just found this one @ https://web.archive.org/web/20141109133836/http://poleofcold.com/the-zimnik-road-a-photo-story/. Tried to find its location, to no avail unfortunately (the sign says it’s 30 km east of Peledui (Пеледу́й), Sakha Oblast).
The Argentinain Ruta 40 is 5080 kilometers long. It has signs on both ends, this one being the southern one:
“Here begins the National Route 40. La Quiaca 5080 Km”.
Route 6 East, stands up as the longest I can find. Route 6 used to be the longest road in the US, until 1964 when it was truncated. However, distances ON the route don’t change (cities don’t move) and as such, this is still visible, in Bisop, California:
3205 miles is approximately 5157.95 kilometres.
Then there’s this in Brazil:
It’s worth noting that while a sign outside Novosibirsk in Russia shows a large number (3146) it’s in kilometres, so is less than the other ones mentioned.
There are signs on US 50 that indicate distance of 3073 miles which is about 4945.51 kilometres.
There is a sign to Wilmington, North Carolina, which is about 2550 miles.
There are signs in Russia for distance to Vladivostok which in some places indicates ~10k kilometres but I’m still looking for images.
Found a sign though not exactly matching the first two but also showing distances.
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024