Here’s what actually happened to the OP (as indicated in a comment):
So I got to the airport and paid the fine and signed some papers and
that was it… booted for a year, but that was it… last minute I got
a loan for the fine… I’m sure it would’ve been different had I not
had the fine money… thanks for all the info people.
Someone suggested to the OP that this information is so valuable that it shouldn’t be a mere comment, but edited into OP itself. I think OP should actually make this an answer himself, but until he does, I’m putting it here as a Community Wiki answer.
Let the US consulate know, when you plan to fly back.
Also ask them for advice. I am pretty sure this happens to other people.
This is the official Thai gov advice:
Do everything possible to gather the money. 20,000 bht is $600. Whatever you can sell to get these $600 will be worthwhile.
Report the situation to the nearest immigration office by yourself and come clean. If they catch you, things will be different. Do this with enough time before the flight, not just 2-3 hours before the flight. Otherwise, you could miss your flight.
This is the official Thai gov advice: They draw a line between surrendering and being caught.
Do not approach immigration before you gathered the money.
If you voluntarily exit, you will be fined 500 baht per day of overstay (maximum amount of 20,000 baht), you will not go to jail.
If you are caught by police overstaying, you will face criminal charges and higher fines. Jail time tends to alloted primarily for really long overstays (as in years), not for minor overstays.
If your overstay is less than 90 days, your passport will be marked as an overstay and any future visits will be subjected to proving your tourist intentions (departing tickets, funding, hotel bookings).
If your overstay is more than 90 days you will be banned from the country for 1 year in situation one (voluntary) or 5 years in situation two (arrested). Overstaying by one year would be 3 and 10 year bans respectively.
If you can’t pay the fine, you will be at the mercy of the immigration officer handling your case. He could simply clean out your wallet and send you packing home, he could press legal charges against you, he could choose to deport you which could have ramifications on future visas or visits anywhere, etc. You really need to secure funds before going to the airport, contact friends family back home, ask your buddies in Thailand, contact your embassy about loans, etc.
This question has been asked many times, so I guess you’ve already found some nice resources (one, two) on this topic.
If failed to pay the overstay fine, you’ll most certainly get detained and imprisoned.
So, your actions are:
P.S. Jail in Thailand usually means a small crowded room with no furniture or even fan, lots of mosquitoes, sleeping on a concrete floor, and foreigners even need to pay for their meals.
Don’t expose yourself for that.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024