Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church (Jelling) : Interesting Facts, Information & Travel Guide

Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church (Jelling) : Interesting Facts, Information & Travel Guide

The beautiful Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church is an important archaeological site located in Jutland, Denmark. This ancient site was built by King Harald Blue Tooth who ruled from 958-986. It is widely considered one of the most important cultural sites in the world because of the rich history it represents. Interesting facts about the Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church include the fact that the two enormous runic stones represent the first declaration of Christian conversion in Denmark and also are evidence of the impressive sculpting and casting skills of the Nordic masters of the 10th century. In this travel guide, we will explore all the interesting facts, information, and travel tips you need to know before visiting this extraordinary place.

History & Information About Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church (Jelling)

Jelling is a town in the central region of Denmark that is home to some of the country’s most important national monuments and archaeological finds. Jelling is home to the Jelling Mounds, two large burial mounds, thought to have been erected in the 10th century by King Harald Bluetooth. In one of these mounds, a runic stone was discovered bearing an inscription that was a testament to Bluetooth’s legacy as the founder of a united Denmark.

The larger of the mounds contains a burial chamber while the smaller mound contains the so-called “Jelling Stone”. The Jelling Stone is a large runic stone, measuring 3.26 meters tall and 1.62 meters wide, with a cross carved on one of its faces. The stone reads: “Harald konungr kusi Danmork alla ok Norikr, ok gørdi krist(r)…” which translates as “Harald king made Denmark Christian all the Norwegians and made Christianity the rule…”. This inscription is considered to be among the most important national monuments in Denmark, as it proclaims the Danish faith in Christianity at the time.

The three large mounds are set in a triangle, with the Jelling Church located in the center. The church, which was built around 960 CE, is constructed on the exact site of a previous wooden and heated church built in 950 CE. The church features a large unknown Viking ship on its walls and is thought to have been dedicated to King Harald Bluetooth and his wife Gunnhild.

The Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church are some of the most important archaeological sites in Denmark, as they demonstrate the ancient beginnings of Christianity in the country and its great development in the 10th century. They are also a testament to the power of King Harald Bluetooth and his place as a great ruler in the development of ancient Denmark.

Travel Guide For Visiting Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church (Jelling)

Jelling is a small town in South Denmark with an array of attractions suitable for many different traveler types. With its mysterious historical mounds, runic stones, and church, whether you are history buff or just looking for something interesting to do, Jelling is sure to offer something for everyone.

First, let’s take a look at the historical landscape of Jelling. The area is home to two mounds, one known as the King’s Mound and the other, the Queen’s Mound. Both were erected in the 10th century as the burial sites of two of the earliest Danish kings. They are both surrounded by a picturesque forest and offer spectacular views over the town.

Next, we have the Runic Stones, which are found in a nearby field. Dating back to the 10th century, the stones are inscribed with ancient runes and are believed to be the oldest artifacts in Denmark. They are said to tell the legendary story of the unification of Denmark.

Finally, no trip to Jelling is complete without visiting the town’s iconic 11th century church. The church’s square tower is a symbol of the Jelling area and is surrounded by a beautiful cemetery. Step inside to startle yourself with the secrets of the story written on the walls.

To make the most of your trip to Jelling, book a guided tour that will take you to all the attractions and tell you stories about their historical significance. There are plenty of guides available to help you make the most of your visit.

Jelling is located in Jutland, a stunning region of southern Denmark. To get the most out of your visit, make sure you explore the surrounding area too. You can go for long walks around the lake, take pictures of the picturesque village, and even visit Viking burial mounds in the nearby area.

No matter what you’re looking for, a trip to Jelling is sure to offer something for everyone. Take a few days to explore the area and discover its long and storied history. With plenty of attractions to choose from, you’ll certainly have an unforgettable experience!

Frequently Asked Questions About Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones, and Church (Jelling)

Q: What are the Jelling Mounds?

A: The Jelling Mounds are two large burial mounds located in Jelling, Denmark. The larger of the two mounds dates back to around 965 and is believed to be the burial site of the Viking king Harald Bluetooth. The smaller mound dates back to around 950 and is believed to be the burial site of Harald’s father Gorm the Old.

Q: What are the Runic Stones?

A: The Runic Stones are three large memorial stones located in Jelling, Denmark. They were erected by Harald Bluetooth, the Viking king who is believed to be buried in the Jelling Mounds. The stones are inscribed with runic inscriptions that tell of the history of Harald Bluetooth and his accomplishments.

Q: What is the Church (Jelling)?

A: The Church (Jelling) is a Christian church located in Jelling, Denmark. It dates back to the late 10th century and is believed to have been built under the orders of Harald Bluetooth. The church was constructed to further the conversion of Denmark to Christianity and is an important site in the history of Denmark. The church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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