Is wild camping legal in Romania?

6/15/2017 10:36:31 AM

Wild camping is not allowed in Romania, there is a law (Legea 54/2012 privind desfasurarea activitatilor de picnic) which does not allow it. But… yes, it is still tolerated. A special attention at the natural reservations (The Danube Delta in particular).

An interactive map with camping sites in Romania as well as a downloadable guide can be found here:

7/8/2014 9:57:12 AM

I just spoke to my Romanian friend, who confirmed that this is technically legal. Having said that, it’s not the safest thing ever, as Romania is known for high crime/theft rate against campers. If you’re in the wild somewhere, it may be that much more difficult to get help if needed. There’s some discussion of wild camping in Romania at this thread –

It may be safer/more advisable to stay at a camp site – there’s a list of campsites in Romania here –

Yet, to answer your question directly, yes, it is legal to wild camp in Romania, as long as you’re not doing it on somebody’s private land (e.g. farm) without their express permission.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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