I would abstain from taking it with you at all. It is a lot of trouble, and a lot of risk. Sending it with a parcel service is almost certainly the better choice.
I don’t live in the USA, but I’ll just assume rates are not that much different. Sending a parcel of that size and weight to Turkey with a well-respected three-letter-acronym parcel service would cost me 35€, plus another 25€ to have a 2,000€ (~$2,200) cover-all insurance.
You have to consider the following:
One thing I have often heard suggested is to put a single bullet in the check-in baggage, and this will cause them to treat the baggage with extra very-strict security. There are a lot of personal testimonies online from photographers, musicians, etc. who have used this method.
Airlines sell extra valuation insurance or other forms of insurance that include extra baggage protection. The details vary from one airline to another, so I can’t give you a firm answer. Besides the total amount ($2000 is not going to be a problem) you have to make sure that electronics are included. Turkish Airlines. The baggage limit appears to be 3500 Euro.
Can’t afford to lose it?
Insure it.
Either Travel insurance that covers up to the value in luggage (check for single item limits and excluded items), or insurance for that specific item wherever it is, or some kind of shipping insurance for the specific journey. All these products are available, you just need to see which works best to you.
Many airlines allow you to buy a seat for certain classes of large items (like musical instruments), so that you can take it on the flight with you. Now, a flight from the US to Turkey is likely to cost a lot more than insuring a mere $2000 item, but at least this way you can be pretty confident that if you make it all the way there, then it will.
Note that the procedures for how to do this, and what items are acceptable, vary from airline to airline. Either check your carrier’s rules and advice online, or give them a call.
Side note – if this item is remaining in Turkey, you’re almost certainly legally required to declare it to Turkish customs. How much it would cost, or how likely you are to be caught if you don’t declare would be beyond the scope of this answer.
If you want to put it into a luggage, you’ll need to buy an extra large luggage.
There are also specific boxes set for this kind of items :
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=node%3D11974841&field-keywords=road+case (search for road case or flight case)
Then, I would strongly suggest you to buy an extra insurance specifically for this item. The likeliness of a theft is limited as it is a big item and it is easier for robbers to stealth small items. So most likely, they won’t bother with this. Then it might get damaged, this is the biggest risk. To prevent this, protect it properly 🙂
Tell them at the check in that something is super fragile and needs to go into special baggage. It’s usually a seperate desk away from the standard checkin desks.
Theft shouldn’t be any more of an issue than usual. Istanbul is a major international airport, you’re not flying to some little countryside landing strip out in the middle of the 3rd world. When you pack it up like hell just make sure it looks like nothing valuable. I’ve observed that its pretty common for middle eastern travelers to often check in mysterious boxes and Istanbul will be used to a lot of these passing through.
I’ve never went with anything costing $2000 though I have flew with a TV before. It went without problems.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024